Here is Joan Maxymuik's Story:

April 2004
Three years ago, a friend of Joan's gave her a cup of Healthier Coffee made with the "King of Herbs, Ganoderma Lucidum, and the tremendous health improving benefit Joan has received from this product is nothing short of miraculous. Like most North Americans, Joan had spent many years trying to eliminate regular coffee from her diet, on doctor's orders, because of the terrible migraines Joan would get and the build up of acidity in her body.
Much to Joan's amazement, when she started drinking Healthier Coffee not only did her headaches disappear but also her acid reflux.
But that was only the start...
Because of being constantly ill, Joan wanted to strengthen her overall health so she started taking the Ganoderma Lucidum capsules. There was a remarkable turn-around in Joan's health and she was getting a better night's sleep, a feeling of well-being during the day and the brain fog started to dissipate. Joan's allergies and sinus problems were not bothering her as much and the aches and pains started going away.

April 2006
Joan tells us, "I continued to up my dose each week until I got to the eighth week, the height of detoxification for me, and then each week thereafter I lessened my dosage and leveled off at a dose that was best for me.
It has been over three years since I started taking Ganoderma Lucidum and I am now able to manage my household, look after my 87 year old mother and run my business full-time. I have more energy and mental clarity than I have had for many years."

March 2007
Ganoderma has had such a positive effect on Joan's life that she decided she had to share her story and her passion with as many people as she could, so Joan became an affiliate and in three years she has built a very successful home-based business sharing products and her story, employing her teaching and training skills to help bring health and financial freedom to as many people as she can.
Click on JavaJoan to view my website. JavaJoan

November 2007
The pictures of Joan from the top are two driver license photos, the oldest first, third, a more recent photo and last, a very recent photo of her and Johnny. There is no doubt that you can see the progression back to a quality life by Joan using the miraculous "King of Herbs" Ganoderma Lucidum to improve her health.